Whole Kitchen Remodel - North Salinas
This is a whole kitchen remodel.
The client had new appliances to install, new countertop and sink, and new backsplash.
Completed this job quickly and ensured appliances were usable during the time the kitchen was under construction to minimize downtime for the client.
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More Demo
Continued Demo - usable stove for client.
Completed Demo
King of the Kitchen Demo - appliances still working.
Old Sink
New Sink / New Countertop
New countertop installed, usable before backsplash install
Countertop done
New refrigerator installed.
New stove - kept this working thruout remodel.
Kitchen usable, just waiting for backsplash.
Backsplash installed
Remodel complete!
17 - 17
C&C Handyman Services
Shawn Wells
(831) 229-8980